Medication Assisted Opioid Treatment/Suboxone

IBHS Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Guidelines for Stages
To better help you in your recovery, below are the goals for moving through different levels of our program.

You should meet all goals for a stage to move to the next stage in addition to following all mental health recommendations.

1. Induction Visit

Visit 1-2 hours long
Lab work (blood and urine)
Next visit in 2 days
Goal: Approval for treatment

2. Tritration

Weekly Visits
Goal: No change in 2 visits

3. Maintenence

Visits every 1-2 weeks
Goal: Drug tests negative for 4 months total AND Seeing mental health provider every 1-2 weeks OR Urine negative for all substances

4. Early Remission

Visits every 2-3 weeks
Goal: Drug tests negative for 4 months total AND Seeing mental health provider every 1-2 weeks OR Urine negative for all substances

5. Sustained Remission

Visits every 3-4 weeks
Goal: Drug tests as negative for 12 months

6. Full/Stable Remission

Monthly Visits
Goal: Abstinence Consider tapering and/or naltrexone

*Regardless of stage, you may be called in at any time for a pill count and/or drug testing as stated in treatment contract.
**If you miss your appointment and your prescription has run out for 2 weeks you will no longer be considered a current MAT patient and may have to be on the wait list to get back in to treatment.